Whois Server Version 2.0 Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net for detailed information. Enter a a domain, nameserver, or registrar to search for its information. You may also search for nameservers using IP addresses. WHOIS will perform a broad search on your input. Use the following keywords/characters to narrow your search or change the behavior of WHOIS. To search for a specific record TYPE: ------------------------------------- domain nameserver registrar Other WHOIS keywords: EXPand Show all parts of display without asking. FUll or '=' Show detailed display for EACH match. SUMmary Always show summary, even for only one match. HELP Enters help program for full documentation. PArtial or trailing '.' Match targets STARTING with given string. Q, QUIT, or hit RETURN Exits WHOIS. Your search will match everything BEGINNING with your input if you use a trailing period ('.') or the 'PArtial' keyword. For example, entering "domain mack." will find names "Mack", "Mackall", "MacKay". The "domain", "registrar", and "nameserver" keywords are used to limit searches to a specific record type. EXAMPLES: domain root nameserver nic nameserver registrar Network Solutions Inc. net. PA net partial net = net FU net full net SUM ibm.com summary ibm.com Search for a domain, nameserver, or registrar using its full name to ensure that a search matches a single record. Type "HELP" for more complete help; hit RETURN to exit.
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3, 过了赎回期域名将进入为期5天左右的删除期,删除期过后域名开放,任何人可注册